The Spontaneous Prose Store
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Your one-stop-shop for extra-fresh poetry & pocket-sized profundities!

The Spontaneous Prose Store is an immersive on-the-spot poetry generator. Give the proprietor a topic, title, or the whole first line, and they will compose a poem for you — before your very eyes! — on a 1957 Smith Corona Skyriter.




Tilly H. Glick is an aspiring librarian, infamous woman of letters, and all-around stand-up guy. As The Proprietor of The Spontaneous Prose Store they have dispensed custom prose-poetry to innumerable pedestrians and party-goers around the world since 2011.

They are the author of The Spontaneous Prose Anthology Vol. 1 (2012), a collaboration with illustrator Olga Abeleva, Passenger Variations & Other Poems (2014), Holy Mess (2015) and the recent chapbook Starfucker (2019).

Tilly has been featured on CBC radio and Bill Bradley’s American Voices. Their poems have appeared in: Carousel, 16th & Mission Review, and Broken Pencil Magazine.